Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Real Thing

Jesus' church is the one that welcomes sinners, not the one that arrests people for being different.
Jesus' church is the one that helps the needy, not the one that says "We don't want your kind here."
Jesus' church is the one that sees the benefits in being persecuted, not the one that sends out the violent to protect themselves.
Jesus' church is the one that loves all people, without exclusion, not the ones that picks and chooses whom they will love.
Only Jesus' church is a part of God's kingdom. Not the church that uses Jesus as a facade.

Freedom Lost

The internet offers real freedom in economics, including the freedom to give. It offers the opportunity for real democracy, and not just the power to vote for the very wealthy. It threatens to undermine the existing power, so the existing power must try to control it. We must not let that happen.

Greed is Normal

Whenever we are used to a certain culture, context or lifestyle that is "normal" for us. And if anyone tries to take away our "normal" we respond as if that is abuse.  Which is why the very powerful and wealthy respond so strongly and irrationally to people trying to reduce their ridiculous amounts of wealth and power.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Give, Don't Demand

Freedom is that which we must give to others.  Since God gives each human sovereignty over themselves, then so should we give each adult freedom to live their own lives.  But freedom is that which we must not allow for ourselves.  For the sake of others’ freedom, let us be without rights.  For the freedom of God’s love, let us be chained.  For the freedom of the gospel, let us be killed.

Freedom Isn't Free

Freedom is the best and worst thing to happen to any of us.  And we have it whether we want it or not. In freedom, we can serve God and live the life we ought to live.  In freedom, we choose to rebel against God and pursue a life of self-destruction.  This is why the best life to live is a freely-given slavery to God, to choose to give up our own life and to live the life of Jesus.

Great Big Stupid World

The foundation of all good and all rationality is the fact that life is foundationally chaotic and perverse.  The second foundation is that no one sees themselves as chaotic or perverse.  Peace is coaxing the good from the chaotic. 


Gossip is the hidden destructive force of society—they are the bombs on a besieged city.  Relationships are torn, contracts broken, commitments neglected, communities eaten up from within, all because of a negative word wrongly placed.  Never say a negative thing about another unless it is to build that person up.

Snap Judgments

Always give everyone the benefit of the doubt.  If someone seems to have done something wrong, but you don’t have proof, don’t assume—either check it out, or let it go.